Instagram Testing Rewind & Fast Forward Feature

Instagram Testing Rewind & Fast Forward Feature

Instagram’s video-watching experience may soon be a whole lot better than it has ever been: This Facebook-owned social network is currently in the process of testing a feature that allows users to fast forward or rewind videos, a feature commonly referred to as ‘Scrubbing.’

Instagram to Improve Video Capabilities

Currently, if you are watching an Instagram video and you would like to see something again, you must rewatch the entire video. Although the ability to move forward and backward during a video will be a new addition to the Instagram app, IGTV, which is a standalone app that was created to compete with YouTube, already has these basic multimedia features.

How This Scrubbing Feature Works

According to developer, tech-blogger and tipster Jane Manchun Wong, there is a white ‘seek bar’ located at the top of the video. This seek bar even has a pop-up time code.

To activate the Scrubbing feature, the Instagram user just presses down on the video and then slides his or her finger to the left (to rewind), or to the right (to fast forward).

Currently, this new Scrubbing feature is being considered for videos that appear on users’ feeds. It is unclear whether the feature will be available for videos in Stories or on the timelines of Instagram users.

Instagram Tried to Provide this Scrubbing Feature Before

Scrubbing through a video is a basic feature found on nearly every other online multimedia platform; so, why has it taken so long for Instagram to get with the program? You may be surprised to find out that this is not the first time Instagram made a trial run with a Scrubbing feature. Since 2017, users have reported being able to temporarily rewind and fast forward Instagram videos. Users state that these features worked for a few days and were then disabled; however, by early 2018, reports related to the appearance of this elusive ‘seek bar’ dropped off completely.

Discovering the Tech Giants’ Secrets

Jane Manchun Wong has made a name for herself by using reverse engineering tactics to uncover features that are still in testing or are yet-to-launch in some of the most popular apps. Her ability to uncover these upcoming app features has gained her a substantial following.

According to Wong, Other Instagram Features are Being Tested

Some of the other features Wong has recently discovered that Instagram is testing include Video Co-Watching, Public Collections, Direct Messaging for the web and a 14-day grace period that will allow users to go back to their old Instagram usernames as long as they choose to do so within the allotted 14-day timeframe.

These Upcoming Features Show Instagram Remains Serious Competition for Other Social Media Apps

Instagram took on SnapChat a couple of years ago and when Instagram created its ‘Stories’ feature, SnapChat suffered. A ‘Stories’ feature was already being offered by SnapChat. After Instagram implemented their new Stories feature, within 6 months SnapChat’s growth dropped by almost 90 percent.

Now, Instagram is about to take on Pinterest with its ‘Public Collections’ feature and YouTube with the ‘Video Co-Watching’ feature. Once Instagram releases all of these new features, only time will tell what impact Instagram will have on the other Social Media apps.